
课程 & 教学+学习,设计, & 技术



加速路径到2nd MAEd程度

以前获得硕士学位的毕业生 课程 & 指令 or 学习、设计和技术 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学生现在可以获得第二个硕士学位,以促进他们在需要替代学位的职位上的职业发展.

Building on the 30 units that you already completed to earn your MAEd, you will only need to complete 15 additional elective units to earn your second MAEd. All coursework can be completed fully online in as little as 10 months. Start dates for the accelerated second MAEd program operate under the same quarterly time-frames. As an added benefit, alumni applying for this program will have the application fee waived.

了解更多关于这次特殊机会的信息, please contact our 研究生和成人招生主任, 比利Maxfield, 电话:(949)214-3577或 (电子邮件保护).



  • 潜在的加薪! Most school districts will offer an increase in your pay scale for completing a second degree.
  • Advance your career in positions that require expertise in 课程 & 指令 and 学习、设计和技术.
  • Multiple degree holders are more likely for promotions and desirable for post-graduate program admission.
  • Benefit from a program that models Christ-like servant leadership, 用爱心对待师生, 尊严, 和尊重.


获得教育管理硕士课程学位的学生 & 指导或MAED:学习, Design, 自2012年5月起,可申请参加第二个项目,以完成获得额外学位所需的额外五门课程.

Students have five years to complete each program once accepted. Any student who has not enrolled in courses for one term will be considered “Inactive.” Inactive students will be removed from the program if no progress is made toward their degree for 12 consecutive months. An inactive student wishing to return to the program must re-apply for admission.


学费 & 金融援助

请参阅学费及费用详情 课程 & 指令 and 学习、设计和技术 项目. 由于财政援助的限制, please note that students may not be enrolled in two 项目 simultaneously.



康考迪亚教育学院提供四种不同的课程 教学证书七、特色 教育学硕士(MAEd)研究生学位,和 教育学(EdD)领导博士学位. Classes are small and focused on the 开发ment of critical, 独立思考, 由经验丰富的基督教教师授课. 康考迪亚的教育学院在学术界享有很高的声誉,成千上万的毕业生在整个地区的学校中处于领先地位. Students gain targeted knowledge and proficient skills to connect, care, 合作, 并发挥他们在教育中的独特作用. Our goal is to equip students to pursue opportunities and advance their career.

了解更多 关于教育学院
