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Veterans Resource Center


Seeking Withdrawal, Refund of Payments, and Readmission

This section describes the way in which students in the following scenarios may seek tuition relief, refund of payments, and readmission. (1) Active Duty students that receive deployment or Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, (2)在州/国家紧急情况或部署期间被召服现役的预备役和国民警卫队学生, and to include (3) the spouse of the above. In these situations, sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from Concordia University Irvine may occur.

由于军事命令(包括但不限于部署命令)而无法完成任期的服务人员或服务人员的配偶, activation, PCS, etc) may withdraw from a program and receive a full refund of mandatory fees and tuition for the term affected.

Student Responsibilities:

打算在不受处罚的情况下退学的学生必须提供SSG马修汤普森退伍军人资源中心主任([email protected] 和949-214-3129)和学生的项目顾问的书面撤回意向通知和主题军事命令的副本. Notice should be provided no fewer than 30 days in advance of planned withdrawal. At the point when the student will no longer be attending class, the appropriate drop/withdrawal form must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. 因军令而必须在休学期以外休学的学生,可以与教务处协商,撤销惩罚性成绩.

不打算退学但仍需要修改时间表的学生可以在院长的指导下与他们的导师安排最终课程成绩或未完成的课程. If such arrangements are made, 学生的注册保持不变,学杂费按规定全额缴纳.

Students receiving financial aid should consult with the Financial Aid Office ([email protected] or (949) 214-3066 in order to obtain clarification and/or further information.


在你从现役或部署释放后重新注册是通过本科或研究生招生处理的. Your readmit application fee will be waived. SSG马修·汤普森退伍军人资源中心主任将是你的联络人,帮助你完成这个过程,这样你就可以继续你的学术课程.

Compliance with Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 2679e

At Concordia University Irvine:

(e) (1) (A) Any student utilizing either the Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation & 就业GI法案®或第33章9/11后GI法案®适用于康考迪亚大学欧文分校. Specifically, students that provide a VA Form 22-1905 (with a date range covering their current term) from their Chapter 31 VR&我们可以向退伍军人事务部核实他们在9/11事件后的第33章权利的辅导员和学生都在这部法律的保护之下. 这些学生将被允许参加教育课程,而我们等待学费和费用从VA到达. Students living on campus will still need to create a payment plan with our BURSAR to cover their room and board, since their BAH is sent directly to the student and not the institution.

(e) (1) (B)提供第31章VR的VA表格22-1905(日期范围涵盖当前学期)的学生&E辅导员和学生,我们可以核实他们的第33章9/11后的权利与VA将不会施加处罚, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, 由于财政部长根据本章第31章或第33章规定的付款延迟支付,导致个人无法履行其对该机构的财务义务. Upon certification of the student’s attendance on VA Once, 学校认证官员将从我们的数据库中删除财务报表保留,并将其替换为VA保留,通知财务报表主管我们期待VA资金到达. The VA Hold will allow students to add and drop classes and acts as a place holder for the VA monies.

所有希望康考迪亚大学欧文分校根据任何GI法案®向VA证明其出勤的学生都必须完成 Certification Request Form.

(e)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, beginning on August 1, 2019, a State approving agency, or the Secretary when acting in the role of the State approving agency, 不批准实施与下列政策不一致的教育机构开设的课程:

  • (A)一项政策,允许任何受保个人在个人根据本标题第31章或第33章向教育机构提供有权获得教育援助的资格证书之日起至下列日期中较早者止的期间内参加或参加教育课程:
    • (i) The date on which the Secretary provides payment for such course of education to such institution.
    • (ii)收到学生资格证书后,教育机构出具学杂费证明之日起90天内的日期.
  • (B) A policy that ensures that the educational institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, 由于财政部长根据本章第31章或第33章规定的付款延迟支付,导致个人无法履行其对该机构的财务义务.

(2) For purposes of this subsection, 受保个人是指根据本章第31章或第33章有权获得教育援助的任何个人.

(3) The Secretary may waive such requirements of paragraph (1) as the Secretary considers appropriate.


  • (A)不迟于个人表示希望利用个人享有的教育援助权利的教育课程的第一天提交获得教育援助资格的证书.
  • (B) Submit a written request to use such entitlement.
  • (C)提供必要的额外资料,以证明教育机构的入学资格.

Military/Veteran Credit Policies

A total of ninety (90) semester units are allowed for transfer students, 其中最多七十(70)个学期单位可以从地区认可的社区学院转移. Concordia University Irvine will accept grades of C- or better.

  • Within the 90 and 70 semester units, only 30 non-accredited, credit by exam (AP, CLEP, DSST, IB (, and/or military units may be transferred.
  • 军事学分只接受选修学分,除非获得适当的系主任或院长的批准.
  • To receive credit for AP, CLEP, DSST, and IB, 官方成绩必须在学生最后一个学期开始之前提交给注册办公室.
  • Within the 90 semester units, up to 15 units of P (Pass), S(Satisfactory), or CR (Credit) grades will be accepted and applied towards any degree requirement. The P, S, or CR grade must be equivalent to a C- or higher grade. Credit will not count in calculating a student's incoming, cumulative or institutional GPA at Concordia University Irvine.
  • 一个例外是,康考迪亚大学欧文分校将接受转学生在2020年春季和2020年夏季参加的所有课程, S, or CR grade. These courses will count for any degree requirement as currently articulated.

Please work with the Director of the SSG Matthew Thompson Veterans Resource Center.
[email protected]

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